Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Tomatoes, Layer House Design

Yes, I admitted I have a brown thumb.  But I also have a pretty good brain.  Methodical, detail-oriented, able to plan and execute.

So we fed the tomatoes.  And that was all it took.  Sheesh.

They've greened up nicely, and they have lots of air roots coming out of the stems (which will turn into real roots when we bury the plants up to their "necks" in the garden). 

To quote Major Payne, "Why do I feel like a jackass?"

Gotta go.  Gotta finish the plans for the layer house.  We're going to get 25 layer hens and sell organic cage-free eggs.  It's going to look like the Big House when I'm done with it (albeit with fake chimneys and the addition of a cupola).  I'm no architect, but I've just about got them licked.  Now I'm doing the material takeoffs.  Then we can find out exactly how much this monster is going to cost:

I'm betting it's going to cost upwards of $500, but the girls will be worth it.  Remember the old saw about the goose that laid the golden egg?  Well, change that to "chicken" and you've got it!

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