Of course, it was a slow start. I forgot the camera. I forgot the water. I had to go back for the oat seed. Anybody who knows me well knows I don't get out of bed before 10 a.m. unless I absolutely have to - been a night owl all my life.
Dad: "Well, what are you doing?"
Me: "Well, what does it look like I'm doing?"
Dad: "Well, it kinda looks like you're working in the garden."
Me: "Well, right now I'm walking back to the house to get the camera."
Dad: "Well, are you gonna go back and work in the garden?"
Me: "Well, yeah."
Dad: "Huh."
But I actually got stuff done before it got too hot. We knocked off at about 11:30 when it hit 88° F. We went back out when it cooled off this evening.
I got cukes planted, and 200 feet of okra. I got oat seed scattered among the okra rows. There are no pix of a fat redhead with a red face bent over poking seed in the ground, sorry. My Amish-style seeder croaked on me so I was doing it by hand. Urgh.
I also looked for the peas in the midst of their lovely living trellis and thought, "Hmmm - maybe not plant so much oats/so close next year?"
The peas are in there. Somewhere. Along with some weeds. I think I'll send a letter to the person who posted that the oats will also keep weeds out.
Jeff and Doug finished repairs to the faucet that will irrigate the north garden. There aren't any pix because that's when I realized I'd left the camera in the house, and before I could get back with it they had the faucet repaired, the leader hose run through the PVC and the whole shebang buried. !!
Jeff is the tiller man. Here's a pretty cool pic of the tiller just as the tines start to revolve - dirt goes flying:
That Kubota tractor is only used with the tiller. It's tiny; Jeff's 6'2" and he makes it look like a riding mower (aka "lawn tractor", which is one of those monikers that makes me giggle. As if the cidiots in their McMansions would ever own anything as cool as a tractor!).
Jeff's re-tilling an area that he tilled yesterday, when it was actually too wet - we ended up with clods. It's still kinda wet as you can see from the mudball I made:
In the background is a really good shot of the difference between rough-tilled (left) and finish-tilled (right). I threw the clod at Jeff but missed...:)
Then I sat on one of the cedar retention logs the guys hauled up out of the field somewhere, and it rolled. I fell on my ass. Jeff laughed. I threw another dirt clod at him, and then I put him to work staking the logs:
As you can see, THAT was a lot of work. Isn't that dirt pretty? It's nowhere near black enough but we work with what we've got.
Then Doug went to work pulling creeper (which we are all allergic to except Dad, whose skin is like tanned hide anyway) because that's where the produce-washing station is going in:
Doug's got a nice strong back, the most gorgeous blue eyes and a great tan. He rides his bike shirtless. I can't say enough good things about him. He's our best friend and my other husband. Sort of. No, not like that!
Here's a long shot of Jeff tilling the rest of the 50' x 100' north garden:
That hose on the right is what's left of a 250' piece that Dad hit with the mower last year. Oh yeah. There's a post about that too, over at This 'n That. The hose got lost in the weeds.
And finally, here's me in the late afternoon, working on the south garden. It's the big one - 75' x 110'. Here I come:
And there I go.
When I'm done with the south garden there's the melon patch in the old dog yard, and the pumpkin patch behind the barn...
That's for another day, though. I'm tired and happy. Bet I'll sleep well tonight!
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